A reading club with a view to the future

022 Bob Johansen: The New Leadership Literacies

In the future of extreme disruption and distributed everything, leaders must develop and master the new leadership literacies to thrive.

Bob Johansen: The New Leadership Literacies


The world is changing at an unprecedented rate, and leaders must keep up with the pace of change to navigate the uncertain future successfully. In "The New Leadership Literacies," futurist Bob Johansen identifies and explains ten new literacies that leaders must master to thrive in the future. These literacies include "Maker Instinct," "Clarity," "Dilemma Flipping," "Immersive Learning Ability," "Bio-empathy," "Constructive Depolarizing," "Quiet Transparency," "Rapid Prototyping," "Smart Mob Organizing," and "Commons Creating." Johansen argues that leaders must develop and integrate these literacies into their leadership style to lead effectively in the future


Title: The New Leadership Literacies: Thriving in a Future of Extreme Disruption and Distributed Everything

Author: Bob Johansen

Publishing Year: 2017

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Length in hours: 4 hours and 52 minutes

5 main ideas

  1. The world is changing at an unprecedented pace, and leaders must adapt to navigate the uncertain future successfully.
  2. Leaders must develop and integrate the new leadership literacies into their leadership style to thrive in the future.
  3. The new leadership literacies include "Maker Instinct," "Clarity," "Dilemma Flipping," "Immersive Learning Ability," "Bio-empathy," "Constructive Depolarizing," "Quiet Transparency," "Rapid Prototyping," "Smart Mob Organizing," and "Commons Creating."
  4. The new literacies require leaders to be agile, flexible, and willing to experiment and learn from failure.
  5. By mastering the new leadership literacies, leaders can navigate the future of extreme disruption and distributed everything and build a better future for themselves and their organizations.
Bob Johansen: The New Leadership Literacies

5 funny quotes

  1. "The maker instinct has nothing to do with 3D printers or artisanal bread making. It is about creating something new that never existed before."
  2. "Quiet transparency is a bit like a stripper who leaves on her underwear. It is revealing, but not too revealing."
  3. "Bio-empathy is about learning from nature. Remember, Mother Nature is a brilliant but ruthless business strategist."
  4. "Constructive depolarizing is like putting everyone on a low-carb diet for toxic communication."
  5. "Rapid prototyping is about failing fast and failing cheap. It is the opposite of the old 'measure twice, cut once' approach."

5 thought-provoking quotes​

  1. "The more technology enables us to work from anywhere, the more we need leaders who can inspire us to work everywhere."
  2. "The new leadership literacies are not something to add to old leadership practices, but rather, they demand new practices."
  3. "The maker instinct is not only for artisans and entrepreneurs; it is a crucial literacy for leaders who need to create something new that has never existed before."
  4. "The commons-creating literacy asks leaders to redefine ownership by enabling broader participation in a shared future."
  5. "The biggest mistake leaders make is to become overly reliant on past practices when confronted with uncertain, unknown, and ambiguous futures."

5 dilemmas

  1. How do leaders balance the need for innovation and change with the need for stability and continuity?
  2. How do leaders effectively manage diverse and multicultural teams?
  3. How do leaders address ethical dilemmas and maintain high moral standards while pursuing organizational goals?
  4. How do leaders effectively navigate crises and make tough decisions under pressure?
  5. How do leaders develop and maintain a culture of trust and transparency within their organizations?

5 examples

  1. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, is known for his bold and innovative leadership style, which has resulted in numerous groundbreaking achievements.
  2. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, was a trailblazer in the legal field and a fierce advocate for gender equality.
  3. Jeff Bezos, founder and former CEO of Amazon, is widely recognized for his customer-centric leadership approach, which has transformed the retail industry.
  4. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, has been a leading figure in European politics for over a decade, and is known for her strong leadership and commitment to democracy.
  5. Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, was a transformative leader who fought for justice and equality, and worked to unite a divided nation.

Referenced books

  1. "Leadership in a Time of Crisis" by Janet Vinzant Denhardt and Robert B. Denhardt
  2. "Adaptive Leadership: Heifetz, Grashow, and Linsky on Leadership" by Ronald A. Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, and Marty Linsky
  3. "Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness" by Frederic Laloux

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"The more technology enables us to work from anywhere, the more we need leaders who can inspire us to work everywhere."

Bob Johansen: The New Leadership Literacies
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