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147 Nick Polson: AIQ

AI and humans can create superhuman results by combining their unique strengths, leading to smarter decisions and better outcomes.

Nick Polson: AIQ


AIQ explores the potential of combining human and machine intelligence, highlighting how they can work together to create better solutions to complex problems. The book explains how humans can use their creativity, intuition, and empathy to guide AI algorithms, while AI can process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and improve predictions. The authors also discuss the challenges of AI implementation and the ethical considerations that come with this technology.


Title: AIQ: How People and Machines Are Smarter Together

Author: Nick Polson and James Scott

Publishing year: 2018

Publisher: St. Martin's Press

Length in hours: 8 hours and 4 minutes

5 main ideas

  1. Combining human and machine intelligence can lead to better decision-making.
  2. AI is not a replacement for human intelligence, but rather a complement to it.
  3. AI can help solve complex problems that humans may not be able to solve alone.
  4. AI requires human oversight to ensure ethical and responsible use.
  5. AI implementation requires understanding and collaboration between technical and non-technical stakeholders.
Nick Polson: AIQ

5 funny quotes

  1. "The difference between AI and human intelligence is that AI is able to do what it’s told, whereas human intelligence can usually find a way to avoid doing the things it’s told."
  2. "As long as you don’t give AI access to your credit card, nuclear launch codes, or your Twitter account, you should be okay."
  3. "In the land of data, correlation is king, but causation is the emperor with no clothes."
  4. "AI is like having a team of interns with no personal life, 24/7, working on your most tedious and mundane tasks."
  5. "AI can help us be more productive, but it can also help us be more creative. After all, someone has to tell the computer what to do."

5 thought-provoking quotes​

  1. "AI doesn't have to be smarter than you to generate great value for you. It just has to be smart enough, long enough."
  2. "As long as we are training machines to learn from data, we will have to deal with the problem of data scarcity."
  3. "AI can take decisions away from individuals who would have otherwise had those decisions to make, and this can have significant ethical implications."
  4. "The real bottleneck for AI is not thinking, but rather sensing, experiencing and interacting with the world."
  5. "It is not the algorithm or the data that drives AI. It is the people who design, create and use it."

5 dilemmas

  1. The ethical implications of AI taking decisions away from individuals who would have otherwise had those decisions to make.
  2. The potential for AI to replace human workers in certain industries, and the impact this could have on employment rates and inequality.
  3. The potential for AI to perpetuate and even amplify existing biases and discrimination present in the data it learns from.
  4. The challenge of ensuring that AI systems are transparent and accountable, especially when they are making decisions that affect people's lives.
  5. The tension between the desire for personalized, tailored experiences enabled by AI and the need to protect privacy and personal data.

5 examples

  1. AlphaGo, the computer program developed by Google DeepMind, defeated the world champion in the ancient Chinese board game Go.
  2. Amazon uses AI algorithms to provide personalized product recommendations to its customers based on their browsing and purchasing history.
  3. Netflix uses AI algorithms to recommend movies and TV shows to its subscribers based on their viewing history.
  4. Google Translate uses AI to translate text from one language to another.
  5. Tesla's autopilot feature uses AI to control the car's speed, direction, and braking based on its surroundings.

Referenced books

  1. "The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World" by Pedro Domingos
  2. "Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies" by Nick Bostrom
  3. "Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence" by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb
  4. "Deep Learning" by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville
  5. "Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy" by Cathy O'Neil

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"In the land of data, correlation is king, but causation is the emperor with no clothes."

Nick Polson: AIQ
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