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254 Don Tapscott: Grown Up Digital

A comprehensive study of the Net Generation and how they are shaping the world, and how they will shape the future.

Don Tapscott: Grown Up Digital


In Grown Up Digital, Tapscott examines the Net Generation, the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, and how they are transforming society. He explores their characteristics and the way they work, play, communicate and learn. The book provides a comprehensive study of this generation's impact on various fields such as education, politics, business, and entertainment. Tapscott shows how this generation is different from previous generations and how they will shape the future. He argues that businesses and organizations must adapt to their unique characteristics in order to be successful in the digital age.


Title: Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World

Author: Don Tapscott

Publishing Year: 2022

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Length in hours: 12 hours and 35 minutes

5 main ideas

  1. The Net Generation is different from previous generations and has unique characteristics that shape the way they interact with the world.
  2. The Net Generation is transforming society, and businesses and organizations need to adapt to their unique characteristics in order to be successful.
  3. The Net Generation values collaboration, transparency, and sharing and prefers to work in teams and communities.
  4. The Net Generation has a different attitude towards authority and traditional power structures and values authenticity and transparency in leadership.
  5. The Net Generation is shaping the future of education, politics, business, and entertainment, and it is essential to understand their unique characteristics to adapt and succeed in the digital age.
Don Tapscott: Grown Up Digital

5 funny quotes

  1. "The Net Generation is like no other generation. They have grown up in a world where everyone and everything is connected. They are the digital equivalent of a Swiss Army knife: full of interesting gadgets, and capable of doing a million different things."
  2. "Digital Natives are the ultimate multitaskers. They can listen to music, chat with friends, and do homework all at the same time."
  3. "The Net Generation is always connected. They carry their mobile devices with them everywhere, even to bed."
  4. "The Net Generation loves to create and share content. They are the ultimate 'makers' and 'sharers.'"
  5. "The Net Generation is tech-savvy, but they are not always the most security-savvy. They need to learn to protect their digital identities and privacy."

5 thought-provoking quotes​

  1. "The Net Generation is less interested in passively consuming the work of others than in creating their own. They see themselves as cocreators of the culture they consume."
  2. "The Digital Natives are changing the workplace. They are upending old hierarchies and creating a more collaborative and open culture."
  3. "Digital Natives believe in transparency, and they want organizations to be open and honest about their operations."
  4. "The Net Generation is creating a new social order based on peer-to-peer collaboration and networked intelligence."
  5. "The Net Generation is more interested in creating and sharing knowledge than in hoarding it."

5 dilemmas

  1. The Net Generation's preference for collaboration and transparency challenges traditional power structures and authority, which can be both positive and negative.
  2. The Net Generation's constant connectivity and multitasking habits can lead to distractions and negative impacts on mental health and well-being.
  3. The Net Generation's preference for sharing and access to information raises questions about intellectual property rights and privacy.
  4. The Net Generation's values and preferences may clash with those of previous generations and create tension and conflict.
  5. The Net Generation's unique characteristics require businesses and organizations to adapt and change, which can be challenging and disruptive.

5 examples

  1. Apple's iPod and iTunes revolutionized the music industry by allowing people to download and listen to digital music.
  2. Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign was successful in part because it utilized social media to mobilize young voters.
  3. Wikipedia, a collaborative online encyclopedia, is an example of how the Net Generation values collaboration and sharing of knowledge.
  4. YouTube, the video-sharing platform, is an example of how the Net Generation creates and shares content.
  5. Google, the search engine giant, is an example of how the Net Generation values access to information and knowledge.

Referenced books

  1. "The Net Generation Goes to College" by Diana G. Oblinger and James L. Oblinger
  2. "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference" by Malcolm Gladwell
  3. "The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More" by Chris Anderson
  4. "Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations" by Clay Shirky
  5. "The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains" by Nicholas Carr


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"Digital Natives are the ultimate multitaskers. They can listen to music, chat with friends, and do homework all at the same time."

Don Tapscott: Grown Up Digital
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