The book explores how game theory, strategy, and probability help us understand and navigate complex decision-making in everyday life.
In "Gladiators, Pirates and Games of Trust," Haim Shapira examines how game theory, strategy, and probability shape our daily lives. He draws on examples from history, literature, and pop culture to illustrate how understanding these concepts can help us make better decisions in both personal and professional situations. The book covers topics like the Prisoner's Dilemma, the Nash Equilibrium, and the Ultimatum Game, providing a clear explanation of each concept and how it can be applied in various scenarios. Shapira also explores the role of trust in decision-making and provides strategies for building trust and avoiding deception.
Title: Gladiators, Pirates and Games of Trust: How Game Theory, Strategy and Probability Rule Our Lives
Author: Haim Shapira
Publishing Year: 2019
Publisher: Yellow Kite
Length in hours: 5 hours and 2 minutes