Exploring the ethical, legal, and societal implications of advances in neuroscience, Nita A. Farahany delves into the battle for control over our brains and the challenges it poses.
In "A Battle for Your Brain," Nita A. Farahany examines the groundbreaking advancements in neuroscience and the profound impact they have on our understanding of the brain and human behavior. The book delves into the ethical and legal challenges arising from these developments, ranging from brain imaging technology to neural enhancement and brain-computer interfaces. Farahany explores the battle for control over our brains, addressing topics such as privacy, cognitive liberty, identity, and the potential for manipulation. Through thought-provoking analysis and engaging storytelling, the author sheds light on the complex and evolving landscape of neuroscience and its implications for society.
Title: A Battle for Your Brain Author: Nita A. Farahany Publishing Year: 2022 Publisher: Harper Length in Hours: 8 hours and 27 minutes