A guide to principled negotiation, presenting a method for reaching mutually satisfactory agreements and resolving conflicts effectively.
"Getting to Yes" offers a step-by-step approach to negotiation based on the concept of principled negotiation. The authors emphasize the importance of separating people from the problem and focusing on interests rather than positions. They introduce the concept of BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) and propose the method of principled negotiation as a way to reach win-win solutions. By focusing on common interests, generating options, and using objective criteria, negotiators can strive for agreements that benefit all parties involved. The book provides practical strategies, real-life examples, and practical advice for successful negotiation.
Title: "Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In" Authors: Roger Fisher, William Ury Publishing Year: 2011 Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio Length in Hours: 6 hours and 17 minutes