"Catch-22" is a satirical novel by Joseph Heller that takes place during World War II and follows the experiences of Captain John Yossarian, a U.S. Army Air Forces bombardier stationed in Italy. The book explores the absurdity and illogical nature of war through dark humor and paradoxical situations. The central concept of "Catch-22" is a bureaucratic rule that prevents soldiers from escaping dangerous situations. According to the rule, a soldier can be deemed insane if they willingly continue to fly dangerous missions, but if they request to be removed from duty due to the risks, it shows rational thinking and therefore they cannot be considered insane. Through Yossarian's perspective, Heller satirizes the military bureaucracy, explores the dehumanizing effects of war, and challenges the notions of heroism and patriotism. "Catch-22" is a critical examination of war, power, and the human condition, highlighting the absurdity and paradoxes inherent in human institutions.
566 Joseph Heller: Catch-22
“Catch-22” is a satirical novel that exposes the absurdity and futility of war through the experiences of a U.S. Army Air Forces bombardier during World War II.
"Catch-22" is a satirical novel by Joseph Heller that takes place during World War II and follows the experiences of Captain John Yossarian, a U.S. Army Air Forces bombardier stationed in Italy. The book explores the absurdity and illogical nature of war through dark humor and paradoxical situations. The central concept of "Catch-22" is a bureaucratic rule that prevents soldiers from escaping dangerous situations. According to the rule, a soldier can be deemed insane if they willingly continue to fly dangerous missions, but if they request to be removed from duty due to the risks, it shows rational thinking and therefore they cannot be considered insane. Through Yossarian's perspective, Heller satirizes the military bureaucracy, explores the dehumanizing effects of war, and challenges the notions of heroism and patriotism. "Catch-22" is a critical examination of war, power, and the human condition, highlighting the absurdity and paradoxes inherent in human institutions.
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"It doesn't make a damned bit of difference who wins the war to someone who's dead."