“The Forever War” follows the journey of soldiers through time and space in a war against an elusive alien enemy.
"The Forever War" is a groundbreaking military science fiction novel that explores the life of soldiers in an interstellar war against an enigmatic alien species. Set in the distant future, humanity faces conflict with the Taurans, an extraterrestrial race. William Mandella, a physics student, is conscripted into the United Nations Exploratory Force (UNEF) and undergoes rigorous training for space combat.
The unique aspect of this war is the time dilation effect, caused by faster-than-light travel. While a few months pass for the soldiers during their missions, decades or even centuries elapse on Earth. As a result, the soldiers experience culture shock upon their return to an ever-changing society.
Title: The Forever War Author: Joe Haldeman Publishing Year: 1974 Publisher: St. Martin's Press Length: 9 hours and 18 minutes