In a mysterious alien space station, explorers risk their lives on dangerous missions using enigmatic preprogrammed starships
"Gateway" is a science fiction novel set in the distant future, where humanity has discovered an abandoned alien space station, known as Gateway. The station is filled with enigmatic starships left behind by an advanced alien race, the Heechee. These starships offer the potential for interstellar travel, but their destinations and purposes are unknown.
The story follows Robinette Broadhead, a troubled and desperate young man who joins the ranks of prospectors seeking fortune and adventure through "Heechee Roulette." Prospectors randomly select a destination on the starships' preprogrammed routes, hoping to discover valuable alien technology or untold riches. However, these missions are perilous, and not all prospectors return.
Title: Gateway Author: Frederik Pohl Publishing Year: 1977 Publisher: St. Martin's Press Length: 8 hours and 37 minutes