In a dystopian Bangkok, genetically engineered humans and sentient AI grapple with power, exploitation, and the consequences of technology.
"The Windup Girl" is a compelling and thought-provoking science fiction novel set in a near-future dystopian world. The story takes place in Bangkok, Thailand, where humanity grapples with the consequences of biotechnology and the depletion of natural resources. The novel presents a world profoundly affected by climate change, with rising sea levels, diminishing fossil fuels, and the emergence of new bio-engineered beings.
Title: The Windup Girl Author: Paolo Bacigalupi Publishing Year: 2009 Publisher: Night Shade Books Length: 19 hours and 34 minutes
"The Windup Girl" does not explicitly reference other books within the narrative. However, the novel draws inspiration from various classic science fiction works and environmental dystopias.