A reading club with a view to the future

2023 SEPTEMBER: Lean, scrum, agile and all that jazz

This month we will be learning about the new tools of digital architects and programmers, but also of new leaders and project managers. If you need to build a business, a building, a project or a tool that will become complex over time, but also needs to stay flexible in order to accommodate necessary change, you must learn from the experiences of software engineers captured in these books. There is also a new way of managing successful teams, and dealing with cross-functional teams of techies, business developers and other functions. The Future is complex and dynamic, and we all need to learn to run with it. For this month, we have chosen these eight books:

Tony Saldanha: Why Digital Transformations Fail
Tony Saldanha: Why Digital Transformations Fail
Jeff Bezos: Amazon Unbound
Jeff Bezos: Amazon Unbound
John Doerr, Larry Page: Measure what matters
John Doerr, Larry Page: Measure what matters
Patrick Lencioni: Five dysfunctions of a team
Patrick Lencioni: Five dysfunctions of a team
Chip and Dan Heath: Made to Stick
Chip and Dan Heath: Made to Stick
Clive Thompson: Coders
Clive Thompson: Coders
Gene Kim, Jez Humble et al: The DevOps Handbook
Robert C. Martin: Clean Agile
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